
I have done live painting and interactive art installation and facilitation at parties and festivals through the years. I’ve brought these installations to Shambhala, Bass Coast, Diversity, Atmosphere (Cumberland Wild), and more, as well as many parties hosted by Returning Saturn and Sunset Labs.

Historically, I have worked with an array of phosphorescent sheets, panels, and lights which allow people to draw and paint with light at night. I would tend to set up an easel and do live painting along side the installation, to gently welcome people into their own creative flow, while trying to capture some of the essence of the atmosphere in the artwork, and allow others to reflect on the creative process.

In it’s most recent iteration, I was intent on upping the anti from past installations. This extended to include a few new colours and and a more aesthetically appealing daytime presence. I also laid on the mediums as thick as possible to get the richest glow I could muster. I hope participants enjoyed it as much as I did.
One of my highlights from bringing it to festivals in 2023 was connecting in creative process with so many lovely folk. My main take away is, I need to work on my signage.
Right now I am looking to transform the shape and structure of the installation, and add a greater variety of colour. Aiming to hit next year with a big evolution in the immersive and approachable qualities of this ever evolving project.